Our task was therefore to write a new chapter for and with Nubert: The migration to the comprehensive and future-proof e-commerce system Shopware 6. The main requirements were clearly defined: A state-of-the-art D2C online shop that presented the Nubert brand in a modern way and in line with its corporate identity. Service also had to be emphasised and be present at the right points of the customer journey. The requirements in terms of technology, data and processes were as follows: Existing systems, such as ERP and sales channels, needed to be seamlessly connected. It had to be possible to maintain and control data centrally in the future. In this context, the distribution of data from the ERP system to connected marketplaces also had to run smoothly. Nubert also focussed on automation.
Weitere Ziele sind:
- Schaffung eines State of the Art D2C Online Shop
- Optimale CX durch ein durchdachtes Frontend
- Augmented Reality zur einfachen Entscheidungsfindung
- Customer Service fest in der Customer Journey verankert
- Automation der Handels- und Serviceprozesse durch Anbindung an die Nubert Infrastruktur (z.B. ERP)
- Integration aller Vertriebskanäle
- Zentralisierung und Vereinfachung der Datenpflege
However, he still wants to be certain of his decision. The nearest showroom is over 400 kilometers away, so he discovers the "Ask an owner" feature right next to the product image on the product detail page. Using the integrated Experify service, he can easily and conveniently chat with owners of the product and get helpful opinions on his favourite product. David makes a confident purchase decision and finalises the purchase via the Nubert online shop. Enthusiastic about his product, he registers online with Experify a few weeks later. As the owner of his nuSub subwoofer, he would like to exchange ideas and provide support in the Nubert community in the future. He also proudly uploads a photo of his new home cinema equipment to the customer gallery of the Nubert online shop and shares his joy with the new subwoofer.
Our digital strategy lays the foundation for Nubert's D2C online shop. Together, we analysed strategic issues in order to define the appropriate implementation measures. Among other things, we highlighted Nubert's strengths and weaknesses, the target group and analysed the brand and its effect on the target group.
We then developed an appealing interface in the UX design phase that reflects the high value and quality of the products. In addition, Nubert's fans should be optimally addressed with a focus on content. Emotional product presentations, with attention to detail, convey Nubert's fascination with sound. The new visual language shows the products perfectly staged. The product worlds on the overview page offer a close-up experience: meaningful product details in the highest brilliance with advisory information. The newly revised product detail pages can now be customised by Nubert for each individual item in the backend. And we have integrated an existing ERP system with the Shopware 6 API for a perfect display in the front end. Product and customer data as well as stock displays are displayed in the shop.
The improvement in usability can also be seen in the checkout: the new one-page checkout offers a clear and helpful display. For the state-of-the-art D2C online shop we naturally rely on responsive design.
Our digital strategy lays the foundation for Nubert's D2C online shop. Together, we analysed strategic issues in order to define the appropriate implementation measures. Among other things, we highlighted Nubert's strengths and weaknesses, the target group and analysed the brand and its effect on the target group.
We then developed an appealing interface in the UX design phase that reflects the high value and quality of the products. In addition, Nubert's fans should be optimally addressed with a focus on content. Emotional product presentations, with attention to detail, convey Nubert's fascination with sound. The new visual language shows the products perfectly staged. The product worlds on the overview page offer a close-up experience: meaningful product details in the highest brilliance with advisory information. The newly revised product detail pages can now be customised by Nubert for each individual item in the backend. And we have integrated an existing ERP system with the Shopware 6 API for a perfect display in the front end. Product and customer data as well as stock displays are displayed in the shop.
The improvement in usability can also be seen in the checkout: the new one-page checkout offers a clear and helpful display. For the state-of-the-art D2C online shop we naturally rely on responsive design.
With the new online shop, Nubert is setting the tone in service. With Shopware 6, we can easily display warranty extensions, instalment payments and information on disposal as a product bundle. The store appointment booking in the online shop offers a successful link between online and offline. Customers can therefore select a consultation of their choice within the customer journey. This allows us to create a successful omnichannel shopping experience.
Nubert's customers are predominantly real fans. We want them to be emotionally involved and experience the brand up close. The idea of community is very important to them. With "Ask an owner" option they can search for other fans in their area and discuss the products. We implement this service easily via the Experify connection. The customer gallery and the guest book also serve as an opportunity for exchange.
And so that Nubert can get to know its true fans even better, the new Shopware shop offers better options for evaluating buyers and their purchasing behaviour. The D2C online shop can therefore be continuously and flexibly customised to meet requirements.
With the new online shop, Nubert is setting the tone in service. With Shopware 6, we can easily display warranty extensions, instalment payments and information on disposal as a product bundle. The store appointment booking in the online shop offers a successful link between online and offline. Customers can therefore select a consultation of their choice within the customer journey. This allows us to create a successful omnichannel shopping experience.
Nubert's customers are predominantly real fans. We want them to be emotionally involved and experience the brand up close. The idea of community is very important to them. With "Ask an owner" option they can search for other fans in their area and discuss the products. We implement this service easily via the Experify connection. The customer gallery and the guest book also serve as an opportunity for exchange.
And so that Nubert can get to know its true fans even better, the new Shopware shop offers better options for evaluating buyers and their purchasing behaviour. The D2C online shop can therefore be continuously and flexibly customised to meet requirements.
„Mit dem Team von NETFORMIC haben wir nicht nur das ideale Shopsystem für Nubert gefunden, sondern auch gemeinsam kreative Ideen entwickelt und erfolgreich umgesetzt. Wir sind begeistert von unserem neuen Online Shop und freuen uns auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit.“
„Mit dem Team von NETFORMIC haben wir nicht nur das ideale Shopsystem für Nubert gefunden, sondern auch gemeinsam kreative Ideen entwickelt und erfolgreich umgesetzt. Wir sind begeistert von unserem neuen Online Shop und freuen uns auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit.“